The Power of Fusion can be seen to its fullest extent during the search results customization process. During sign-up or anytime thereafter, you can invoke our customization wizard, a point and click process, to instantly update the look and feel of your search results page.
By controlling the appearance of your search results, you can provide a seamless integration between your site's look and feel and the search results pages generated by the FusionBot servers.
All packages benefit from the advantages of real-time customization updates. Anytime you wish to modify the appearance of your search results page, simply execute the Customization process by logging into your account. Then, click on the Customization tab, enter your settings, preview and commit your changes, and instantly, your new settings are available.
The end result is a completely transparent transition between your site and the search results page. Your visitors will never know they have left your site when conducting a query.
The FusionBot customization wizard allows you to control the following page formatting options on the query results page:
Basic Site Search Customization Includes: (Click for Sample)
- Company / Site Logo - Include your own logo on the top of the results page
- Background Color - Control background color to match your site's look and feel
- Background Image - Control background image to match your site's look and feel
- FusionBot Logo - Choose from a list FusionBot logos to display, including a text only option
- Search Content - Toggle on/off specific content displayed as part of search results
- Search Box - Select the type of search box to display on the search results
Extensive Site Search Customization Includes: (Click for Sample)
(Basic Options Plus the following):
- Font Color - Control the font color to match your site's current font color
- Link Color - Change the default blue link color, denoting page hits, to any color
- Visited Link (VLink) - Change the default purple link, denoting a previous click, to any color
- Active Link (ALink) - Change the default red link, denoting a current click, to any color
- Font Face - Control the font type to match your site's current font type
- Font Size - Control the font size to match your site's current font size
- Results Returned - Control the number of hits returned on each page
- Control Advertising - Place your own ads or no ads on results page (accepts <image src> and <href> tags, compatible with most server rotation software, 468 X 60 only)
Extensive Plus+ Site Search Customization Includes:
Reserved for our Silver, Gold, and Platinum Package Members, this option allows you to utilize the Customization Wizard for Extensive Customization, or implement a custom user-defined Template file, where you simply insert pre-defined FusionBot Objects within your template, in any location you desire.
These pre-defined FusionBot objects allow for the precise location, anywhere within your document, of FusionBot generated search content such as your search box, your search results text, the FusionBot logo, and more!
This innovative technique allows for complete customization control with unprecedented ease.
When a query is conducted, the pre-defined FusionBot objects are then swapped out of your template with the actual value of their output. This technique creates the most seamless "FUSION" between your site and the search results.
XML Search Results
Extensive & Extensive Plus+ customization also enables you to receive your search results in XML format for pre-processing. Via XML, you can manipulate the search results to display the information in any format desired. XML can be selected as one of your Template Options from the Customzation tab.