About Hosted Site Search
No hardware? No software? No technical expertise? No problem!
The FusionBot seamless site search solution has been designed to automate the entire process of providing a search solution on your site, with NO PROGRAMMING required.
Because it is a web-based application, you never have to worry about buying and installing software to build and maintain your site's index, nor are you bound by whether or not your hosting provider offers a search solution for your site, we do it all for you, remotely and seamlessly.
After subscribing with FusionBot, we send out our spider or 'bot' to crawl your site and build an index of its content. Based on the package you select, our 'bot' will periodically return to your site to update its index to reflect the most recent changes to your site's content. We then provide you with a few lines of HTML code for inserting the search box.
Next, you simply paste this code on the pages of your site where you wish to insert the search box. Visitors will now be able to instantly find what they are looking for at your site by typing the keywords they desire in the search box or clicking on the sitemap link. Returned will be the pages within your site that match the keywords searched.
When your visitors submit a query, their actual query will be sent to our servers, where they will respond with the appropriate pages within your site where the keywords exist. The entire process is completely transparent to the end user. They will never know they have left your site when conducting a query!
That's the Power of FUSION.
Below is a graphical representation of how the query process functions: