Does FusionBot support word stemming?
You can instruct FusionBot to take the stem of your visitor's search terms to generate common variants of these words when determining matching documents.
As an example, if the search term submitted by a visitor is the word searches, the stem of this word would be search, and common variants of this stem include searcher, searching and searched.
With word stemming enabled, searching for any one of the words referenced above would result in the same number of matching documents, helping to ensure the likelihood of a matching document, regardless as to the visitor's choice of wording.
By default, word stemming is DISABLED for your account. To enable this feature, login to your account, click on the 'Spider' tab, and select the 'Relevance Controls' link. From there, click the Word Stemming
link to enable / disable this feature.
By enabling or disabling word stemming for your account, as described above, stemming will be ALWAYS ON or ALWAYS OFF. There may be times, however, where you want your default search results to NOT perform stemming for the results, while at the same time offer an advanced
search option from your site, where a user can elect to turn stemming on.
In this scenario, you must DISABLE stemming as the default action from within your FusionBot account, then, from an advanced search box elsewhere on your site, pass the value stm=1
either via a hidden field:
<input type="hidden" name="stm" value="1">
Or, for example, from a selectable checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" name="stm" value="1">Enable stemming
This will send a flag to the FusionBot query engine to override your default value where stemming is disabled, enabling stemming for this specific search.
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