Can I define a custom Keywords META Tag for use with FusionBot but ignored by other spiders?

The FusionBot crawler follows standard guidelines / practices for indexing the contents of your pages. While indexing the contents within the <HEAD> section of a page's HTML, FusionBot will make searchable the contents of the <TITLE>, <META NAME="KEYWORDS">, and <META NAME="DESCRIPTION"> tags.

There may be times when you wish to include additional META Keywords for determining matching documents within your FusionBot search results, but not include these keywords as part of your standard META KEYWORDS tags used by other search engines.

You can supplement your existing META KEYWORDS tags by including as a separate entry in the <HEAD> section of your HTML the following custom FusionBot tag:

<META NAME="FB_KEYS" CONTENT="keyword3, keyword4, etc">

The end result may looking something like the following:

<TITLE>My Product Page</TITLE>
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="This is my product page">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="keyword1, keyword2">
<META NAME="FB_KEYS" CONTENT="keyword3, keyword4">

Please Note: The above sample will supplement your existing META Keywords content with the content in your custom FusionBot (FB_KEYS) Meta tag. This allows you to include additional keywords as part of your searchable content for you FusionBot implementation without impacting how any other search engine crawls your site, since the custom FusionBot META Tag (FB_KEYS) will be ignored / unrecognized by any other crawler.

If you want FusionBot to completely ignore your standard META Keywords in place of your newly added custom META Keywords (FB_KEYS) tag, please Click Here for more information on how to prevent the indexing of your standard META tags throughout your entire site.

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